Sunday, September 10, 2006

One more plug.

This post has nothing to do with our travels. But it has everything to do with what I'm doing back home.

"Assembled" SCREENING TIMES in the Atlantic Film Festival:

Saturday, September 16th
program "Frame x Frame II"
Park Lane 7

Monday, September 18th
program "Atlantic Shorts II"
Park Lane 8
*possibly screened as an actual film print!

This is the Atlantic Canadian (public) debut of "Assembled". It may or may not have already played at some obscure Toronto venues, and definitely has been to a small gallery exhibition in Frankfurt.

More information on the Atlantic Film Festival here.

And, just to make sure we have at least a little Jim content in this post, here he his chowing down on a piece of Kai's birthday cake a little while back. (Photo by Heather)